As part of the company's environmental commitments, McLaren has partnered with Octopus Electric Vehicles to offer a new, all electric, highly sustainable company car scheme called Electric Dreams.

This will work via 'salary sacrifice', which is a colleague benefit that allows anyone participating to access a fantastic range of electric vehicles (EVs), with no upfront cost and a number of tax benefits for anyone participating.

Paul Heather, Group Managing Director for McLaren, said: "It's great to see so many of our colleagues taking on the scheme and going green. When I realised we could offer our employees the opportunity to lease an electric vehicle and save money, it was simply to good to ignore."

This new scheme launches to support our mission to significantly reduce our CO2 output:

To be Net Zero Carbon by 2025 for scope 1 and 2 emissions
To be Net Zero Carbon by 2045 t for scope 3 emissions