Sport & Leisure
- New build and refurbishments
- Climate controlled environments
- Sport science facilities
- Large scale outdoor facilities
- Gymnasiums and pools
- Complex MEP installations
The Sport & Leisure sector demonstrates more than any other the requirement for a comprehensive blend of expertise, to deliver projects across various workstreams involving a wide range of buildings and end users.
Projects can range from a smaller community leisure centre or gymnasium through to large scale sports and retail projects or complex indoor entertainment space. We have an impressive portfolio of work in this sector including Leicester City and Tottenham Hotspurs training grounds.
We have a track record of successfully completing many high-profile developments across all these areas and continue to deliver challenging new schemes in both the UK and UAE.
We support the design team by testing layouts, establishing the best mix of space to shape a design that focuses on buildability and ease of maintenance, and developing a template that is flexible enough to allow for future changes of use in each area. Our approach ensures that every structure is not only functional and durable but also adaptable to evolving needs and trends in the Sport & Leisure sector.

Sport & Leisure areas of focus

Pre-construction focus
McLaren’s specialist consultants ensure Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) in Sport & Leisure projects to ensure a solid supply chain and buildability, factoring lifecycle considerations from the outset.
All leisure installations are evaluated against established project benchmarks and Market Intelligence (MI), to inform the design process. McLaren’s Sport & Leisure specialist steering group oversee progress at key gateways and offer comprehensive project support during the pre-construction and delivery phases.

Swinming Pools & Climate Control
Swimming pools present a range of unique challenges. Starting with input into drainage design, we ensure optimal product selection for lifecycle maintenance. We will plan the tiling specifications and installation strategy alongside key MEP items such as skimmers, sumps and ventilation equipment, to ensure construction is smooth and without delay. Condensation is ‘designed out’ using a condensation dew point analysis.
Our team have specialist skills in the construction of Olympic and high-performance pools, ensuring that the design is fit for purpose and expensive remedial works are avoided.

Gymnasiums & Sports Halls
Gymnasiums and sports halls with timber floors present unique challenges to the build programme. Timber floors require humidity equalisation within the space prior to installation to reduce the risk of warping or lifting later on. This is factored into the programme at an early stage alongside careful considerations about the lifecycle of natural wood, to ensure longevity and value.
Our team can help customers explore modular units which offer significant advantages from a buildability and lifecycle maintenance perspective. Whatever the chosen design, we support the Architect and coordinate the integration of services with other adjacent specialist installations.