McLaren – Committed to the future of King’s Cross
McLaren construction are currently delivering their second project at King’s Cross, on behalf of Argent LLP (a partnership between Argent and Related). From inception we have worked closely with the client and the design team to establish a strong understanding of the vision and aspirations for this iconic masterplan. Our early involvement has provided the continuity and commitment that the regeneration schemes required – leading to the successful delivery of Luma R3 and award of the ongoing Plot R8.

The 67-acre site is the biggest urban regeneration projects in the UK and is the largest mixed-use development in single ownership to be developed in central London for over 150 years. Its proximity to King’s cross station and unique setting will provide a vibrant new city quarter, including offices, mixed-tenure residential accommodation, community facilities, public realm, educational establishments, and leisure facilities.
Following the completion of Plot R8 in Q2, 2024, McLaren would have delivered more than 100 new homes (61 private and 72 affordable housing), 263,398 sq ft commercial facilities and associated public realm. Working in collaboration with the London Borough of Camden and our third-party social value specialists, we have generated more than 25 job opportunities for the local community and provided 10 apprentices on the Luma R3 scheme alone. We are excited by the opportunities that lay ahead and look forward to being part of the King’s Cross legacy for years to come.