McLaren has become a prequalified contractor on the Procurement Hub’s Development Contractor dynamic purchasing system (DPS). This prequalifies McLaren for tender opportunities in two lots – £10 to £20 million and above £20 million in value – in the following sectors:
- Housing
- Commercial
- Healthcare
- Education
- Major refurbishment
- Specialist institutions
- Leisure
This national DPS mainly serves larger towns and cities in the UK. The residential elements include a focus on affordable and social housing.
The move is part of McLaren’s ongoing programme to build on its presence in the public sector market, including the registered provider market.
McLaren brings to this DPS its expertise in residential development and construction, including the public rented sector, particularly its ability to build high-quality homes.
The move follows the announcement that Mike Naylor, a specialist in working with local authorities and registered providers, is to join McLaren in October, strengthening the company’s public sector team.
Procurement Hub is part of Places for People.